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MMA Training

Mixed Martial Arts refers to martial arts or fighting systems that incorporate techniques and theories from several particular martial arts (Brazilian Jiu-JItsu, Wrestling, Muay Thai Kick-Boxing.)  All students training in MMA are expected to attend all levels/advanced BJJ and Muay Thai classes.  Supplemental cardio conditioning and weight training should be preformed by these students around their gym training schedule.
The MMA Path



32 “One” Jiu-Jitsu Classes

Get approved for “Open Roll” and other classes.

Start attending 6:30 classes and X Level Classes (these are not a replacement for 5:30pm classes)

Start attending Wrestling and Judo classes.

Start attending grappling events.

We will evaluate grappling event performance.

Wait for invite to MMA classes.




Begin with Heavy Bag Classes.

Get approved for 6:30 Level One Striking Classes.

Get appropriate sparring gear from the gym.

Get invited to 6:30 X Level Striking Classes.

Wait for invite to MMA classes.




Minimum 4 Days A Week Gym Classes

A Grappling class, a Striking Class, Sparring, Rolling, MMA Class and Supplemental conditioning each of the 4 days.


Strength and Conditioning.

You should be on a separate strength and conditioning program 3-4 days a week minimum. Ask coaches for ideas or plans.


Prehab and recovery

You should have 1-2 days a week minimum focusing on recovery and prehab for the body. Yoga, Ice Baths, Red Light Sauna etc.  Ask coaches for ideas or plans.




Coaches will let you know when the time is right for you to fight. Persistence, dedication, patience.


Below is schedule for approved students.



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